Friday, April 12, 2013

National Library Week 2013

Come celebrate with us…
The Mildred Johnson Library is proud to celebrate National Library Week, April 14-19, 2013.  We invite you to share in the celebration throughout the week.  In particular, on Tuesday April 16th  in the afternoon from 1 to 4 pm in the afternoon we will be initiating the beginning of EduStations featuring EduTools.  Educational learning stations to “learn by doing” for NDSCS students, staff, and faculty to use to promote learning!  Did we mention if you visit all the stations plus take a survey, you can register for a chance to win a NOOK Simple Touch Reader!
The EduStations are:
·        Curriculum Topic areas including 3-D Learning Tools (Featured area is Allied Health)

·        Dry Erase Easel for collective/individual creative brainstorming.

·        Interactive Games – Board games for social interaction.

·        Mango (an interactive language program) allowing you to learn up to 41 languages with ESL components.

·        The Barnes and Noble Nook for check-out.

·        Last, but not least, the Apple TV & iPads (3) allowing you to wirelessly connect to a station and have small or large group discussions.

o   Utilizing the Apple TV and iPad a sample training will be demonstrated with Overdrive.

·        Other ideas are in motion and suggestions are encouraged!
From 3-D curriculum-related learning tools to an Apple TV and iPad accessibility, the stations are in early development and will grow based on your suggestions, needs, and wants.  Please contact Tina Grenier for additional ideas at 701-671-2612 or  In the meantime, check out the stations that are up!
Note:  A video will be available online in conjunction with the survey Wednesday April 17th for NDSCS Fargo and those otherwise unable to attend in person.