Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We'll Miss Linda

One of the nice things about working at the College of Science is that so many people have been working here for years and there is a lot of loyalty to the College. Linda Hausauer has been a Library Associate for over 35 years, and this July 1 she will retire. It is hard to imagine how we will manage the services she has done over the years and we will miss her.

All the college community is invited to attend a Come and Go reception from 2-4, June 30, in the Mildred Johnson Library. We hope those of you who have worked with Linda over the years will be able to come and say good-bye as she moves on to new things in her life.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Encyclopedia Britannica

As part of the Library's Academic subscription to Britannica, we receive a monthly newsletter. This month, June 2008, the emphasis is on Native Americans. Visit this url


to see new and updated articles on the traditional cultures, histories, and current affairs of Native Americans.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Comments on MJ Library

In the good old days, we had suggestion boxes. Now we have e-mail for comments although we don't have comments directly to the blog. When you see this, I hope you will take a few minutes to e-mail us what new or changed services you would like to see at the library, or other improvements to our services. Within our budget, staff, and curriculum, we will do our best to see that we meet, change or correct based on what you say. So, what do you like best; what do you like least; where can we improve; what new things would you like us to have?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer School at the Library

This is a good summer, so far, to be in class: cold and rainy! Not much as yet to tempt students outdoors and away from school work. The Library is open for business, both for classes and beach reading. We have a great collection of Book Club recommendations as well as the audio books in the Commuter Collection. If you will be on vacation and need the books longer than the usual check-out period, be sure to mention this to the person who checks out to you. We will change the due date to allow for your trip.